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Why You Should Never Ignore a Dental Infection: Risks and Long-Term Effects

by | Sep 25, 2024 | Dental Infection

why you should never ignore a dental infection

Are you dealing with a dental infection? It may begin as a simple toothache or mild sensitivity, but it can quickly become a severe health issue without prompt treatment.

If you’re noticing pain, swelling, or other unusual symptoms in your mouth, don’t ignore them.

It is very dangerous to overlook a dental infection because it could progress to a level that will impact your health in a general way.

The Hidden Dangers of Dental Infections

At first glance, a dental infection might seem like nothing more than an annoying inconvenience. It could result from untreated cavities, gum disease, or an abscess that hasn’t been adequately addressed.

While it may start small, the infection can quickly spread if left untreated.

The primary risk is that your mouth is a complicated array of blood vessels, nerves, and tissues.

When attacked by bacteria due to an infection, this system can transport bacteria to other body parts, including the bloodstream.

This process is known as sepsis, and it’s a potentially life-threatening condition.

Z Sepsis: A Life-Threatening Risk

This is because when a dental infection is left untreated, the bacteria spread to the rest of the body and cause Septicaemia. This disease results from an overactive immune system that damages tissues such as the skin, organs, and other tissues by inducing inflammation.

If you develop sepsis, you could experience:

  • High fever
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Confusion or disorientation

Sepsis can escalate to septic shock, where your blood pressure drops dangerously low, increasing the risk of organ failure or even death. While it may seem extreme, it’s a reality for those who ignore a severe dental infection.

Localised Complications: Tooth Loss and Bone Damage

Beyond the systemic risks, a dental infection can have devastating effects locally. The disease may spread deeper into the surrounding bone and tissue, causing an abscess.

When left untreated, an abscess can destroy the bone supporting a tooth, eventually causing tooth loss.

Once a tooth is lost, replacing it isn’t always as simple as getting a dental implant or bridge.

If the infection involves the bone to a considerable extent, other surgery, such as a bone graft, may be required to rebuild the region.

Ignoring the infection for too long may cause irreversible damage that could require extensive (and sometimes costly) restorative work.

Even with modern treatments, nothing is as good as keeping natural teeth healthy and infection-free.

Impact on Your Overall Health

Many people don’t realise the connection between dental infections and their health. The truth is that the health of your teeth and gums can directly impact other areas of your body.

Ignoring a dental infection increases your risk of developing the following conditions:

Z Cardiovascular Disease

Research has especially shown that oral infections such as periodontal diseases are associated with cardiovascular diseases like heart disease and stroke. Pathogens from the mouth can cause plaque build-up in arteries, which leads to the narrowing of the arteries and the consequent restriction of blood flow to the heart.

Z Respiratory Infections

Sepsis caused by a dental infection causes bacteria to be inhaled into the lungs, resulting in respiratory ailments such as pneumonia. This is particularly risky for people with weakened immune systems or those suffering from lung complications, as it results in severe and prolonged illness.

Z Diabetes Complications

Diabetes alone makes the body struggle to fight infections, and if it is a dental disease, it can worsen blood sugar management. Due to this inflammation, a person with diabetes has to struggle with insulin levels, as insulin resistance worsens the condition of diabetes, leading to more complications.

Long-Term Effects of Ignoring a Dental Infection

Ignoring a dental infection can risk one’s immediate health and have long-term consequences that affect one’s quality of life.

Z Chronic Pain

An untreated infection can lead to ongoing, intense pain that impacts your ability to eat, sleep, and function in daily life. What started as a mild discomfort can become constant agony, requiring emergency dental care to alleviate.

Z Tooth and Bone Loss

As mentioned earlier, untreated infections can spread to the bone and surrounding tissues, leading to tooth loss and permanent damage. The loss of multiple teeth or significant bone structure can affect one’s appearance, speech, and ability to chew, lowering one’s self-confidence and making one feel self-conscious about smiling.

Z Prolonged Dental Treatments

The longer you wait to treat a dental infection, the more complex and time-consuming the treatment becomes.

What might have started as a simple filling or root canal could evolve into extensive procedures like tooth extractions, bone grafts, and dental implants.

This could mean more visits to the dentist, higher costs, and more time spent recovering.

How to Prevent Dental Infections

The great news is that dental infections are avoidable by following these simple steps:

  • Use a soft bristles toothbrush to clean your teeth at least twice daily.
  • Floss your teeth daily to eliminate food particles and plaque between your teeth.
  • Visit your Cheltenham dentist regularly for dental checkups and professional cleanings.
  • Immediately seek dental care if you suspect an infection, such as persistent tooth pain, swelling, bad breath, or fever.

Z Incorporating AIRFLOW® Dental Spa for Prevention

For added protection against dental infections, consider incorporating AIRFLOW® Dental Spa during your cleanings:

  • AIRFLOW® uses a combination of air, water, and fine powder to remove plaque, tartar, and stains.
  • It is especially effective at cleaning hard-to-reach areas where bacteria can accumulate.
  • Regular AIRFLOW® treatments help reduce harmful bacteria, reducing the chance of developing dental infections and gum disease.
  • It ensures a more thorough cleaning than traditional methods, keeping your mouth healthy and infection-free.

Dental Infections Management in Captivate

If you suspect you may have a dental infection, addressing it as soon as possible is crucial.

Don’t let fear or procrastination keep you from getting the care you need. A small problem now could become a big health concern later on.

At Captivate Dental, we’re here to help you take control of your dental health.

Book an appointment today, and let us provide the treatment you need to stay healthy and pain-free.

Call us at (03) 9553 1249, or visit us at 36 Chesterville Road in Cheltenham.

Don’t wait—take the first step towards protecting your smile and overall well-being.

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