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Oral Cancer Examination

oral-cancer-examination-cheltenham Oral cancer examinations are not just simple medical exams; it’s an opportunity for a person to talk to a dentist about their dental fears and concerns, and to ask for advice about decreasing his risk.

For optimal oral health and early detection of any dental problems, we recommend screening once a year for adults.

The screening is quick and painless and can be performed during a regular check-up appointment.

Oral Cancer Facts

  • Oral cancer is 3 times as common as cervical cancer.
  • Oral cancer survival rates have been stagnant for 30 years, with most cases detected during more advanced stages.
  • Survival rates are higher when diagnosed early.
  • Annual oral cancer screenings are recommended by physicians.

Oral Cancer Symptoms

  • Mouth sores and ulcers that do not seem to go away
  • Pain in mouth and ear
  • Swelling or lump in the neck
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Persistent sore throat without any symptoms

How you prepare

Oral cancer examination does not require any special preparation. It is typically performed during a routine dental appointment.

What to expect

During an oral cancer screening examination, your Cheltenham dentist looks over the insides of your mouth to check for mouth sores.

Using gloved hands, your Cheltenham dentist feels the tissues in your mouth to check for lumps or other abnormalities.

Additional Tests for Oral Cancer Examination

Some dentists may use other special tests in addition to the oral examinations. These tests may involve the following:

Rinsing your mouth with a special dye. Abnormal cells in the mouth may be stained and detected.

Shining a special light in your mouth. This makes healthy tissues appear dark and abnormal tissues appear white.

Oral Cancer Examination Results

If your Cheltenham dentist sees any signs of oral cancer or precancerous lesions, we recommend:

Follow-up visit few weeks after to see if the affected area is still there and take note of changes.

Biopsy procedure to determine whether cancer cells exist. A sample of cells will be taken for laboratory testing. Your Cheltenham dentist may perform the biopsy, or you may be referred to a professional in oral cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Oral Cancer Examination in Cheltenham

Our advanced dental facility at Captivate Dental is equipped with a cutting-edge system to help scan for and detect oral cancer at the earliest stage possible.

Visit your Cheltenham dentist today!

For more information about our oral cancer examination in Cheltenham, call us on (03) 9553 1249. Visit us on the web, or use our convenient online booking page.

We are located at 36 Chesterville Road in Cheltenham.

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