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The Top 5 Reasons You Should Consider Wisdom Tooth Removal Today

by | Sep 9, 2024 | Wisdom Tooth Removal

the top 5 reasons you should consider wisdom tooth removal today

Are your wisdom teeth causing sharp pain at the back of your mouth?

These late-arriving teeth often bring more trouble than they’re worth, making wisdom tooth removal the best option.

Whether you’re experiencing pain or want to prevent future issues, removing your wisdom teeth can save you from various complications.

Here are the top five reasons you should consider wisdom tooth removal today.

#1. Prevent Crowding and Damage to Other Teeth

Your wisdom teeth typically erupt in your late teens or early twenties, long after the rest of your adult teeth have settled into place. When these third molars arrive, there’s usually insufficient room to come in properly.

As a result, your wisdom teeth can push against nearby teeth, leading to crowding, shifting, and damage.

Even if you’ve had orthodontic work done to straighten your teeth, wisdom teeth can reverse all that progress. The pressure they create can cause teeth to shift out of alignment, undoing years of careful dental care.

If you’ve noticed any discomfort or movement in your teeth, it’s time to take wisdom tooth removal seriously. Removing them early can prevent crowding and help you maintain the smile you’ve worked hard to achieve.

#2. Avoid Infection and Inflammation

When wisdom teeth don’t have enough room to emerge properly, they can become impacted, meaning they’re trapped beneath the gum line or grow awkwardly. Impacted wisdom teeth are particularly prone to infection and inflammation.

One of the most common issues is pericoronitis, a painful infection caused by inflamed gum tissue around a partially erupted wisdom tooth.

Bacteria can easily get trapped in this area, leading to swelling, redness, and intense pain. The infection can also spread to other mouth, jaw, and neck parts.

Regular brushing and flossing often can’t fully clean around partially emerged or impacted teeth, leaving you vulnerable to decay and gum disease.

By opting for wisdom tooth removal, you’ll eliminate the risk of infection and ensure that your mouth stays healthy.

#3. Relieve Pain and Discomfort

Your wisdom teeth are likely the culprit if you’re experiencing persistent pain at the back of your mouth. The pressure from an impacted or erupting wisdom tooth can cause discomfort in your gums and jaw, headaches, earaches, and even sinus problems.

This discomfort may come and go, but it can worsen over time as the teeth push against nerves or other teeth. Rather than waiting for the pain to become unbearable, wisdom tooth removal can provide immediate relief.

You don’t have to live with the constant ache or the anxiety of when the next flare-up will occur. Removing your wisdom teeth can give you the peace of mind of knowing you’ve tackled the issue head-on before it worsens.

#4. Prevent Damage to Jawbone and Nerves

Impacted wisdom teeth aren’t just a nuisance—if left untreated, they can lead to severe complications. Sometimes, the pressure from wisdom teeth can lead to cysts forming in the jawbone around the impacted tooth.

Over time, these cysts can weaken your jawbone, causing it to deteriorate and even leading to permanent damage.

Even more concerning is the risk of nerve damage. If a wisdom tooth is pressing against a nerve, such as the inferior alveolar nerve, it may result in discomfort, tingling, or numbness in your tongue, lips, or jaw. This damage may become permanent if not addressed promptly.

Removing your wisdom teeth before they have the chance to damage your jawbone or nerves is a proactive step in protecting your oral health. Treating potential issues now is much easier than dealing with serious complications later.

#5. Safeguard Your Overall Health

General health and dental health are closely related. Oral infections can potentially spread to other parts of the body and result in more severe health issues.

Bacteria from an impacted wisdom tooth can enter your bloodstream, leading to infections that affect your heart, lungs, and other vital organs.

In severe cases, untreated oral infections can result in sepsis, a life-threatening condition that requires emergency medical treatment.

While it’s rare, it’s not a risk worth taking. Wisdom tooth removal is a simple procedure that can eliminate these potential health threats, ensuring that your mouth—and the rest of your body—remains healthy.

Why You Shouldn’t Wait for Removal

Wisdom tooth removal should not be put off until the last minute. The earlier you take care of it, the less likely you are to experience complications or prolonged pain.

Delaying removal can complicate the procedure and increase the risks associated with infection, nerve damage, or other health issues.

You don’t have to wait for your wisdom teeth to cause severe pain or damage.

If you notice any discomfort, pressure, or changes in your teeth, now is the time to consider your options.

What to Expect During Wisdom Tooth Removal

If you’re worried about the process, don’t be. Wisdom teeth extraction is a common treatment that can be performed under general or local anaesthesia, depending on your preferences and the complexity of your situation.

You’ll be in good hands with your dental professional, and the recovery process is usually smooth. Most people return to their routine within a few days.

After the treatment, you will receive comprehensive instructions on how to care for your mouth during recovery, including how to prevent infection and manage discomfort.

It’s a small investment of time that can save you from much bigger problems.

Wisdom Tooth Removal in Cheltenham

If you’ve been thinking about wisdom tooth removal, now is the perfect time to take action. Don’t let these problematic teeth jeopardise your oral and overall health.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how wisdom tooth removal can benefit you.

At Captivate Dental, we provide the highest quality dental care, enabling you to make informed choices.

Call us at (03) 9553 1249, or use our convenient online booking page.

We are located at 36 Chesterville Road in Cheltenham.

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